Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is is a webcam chatroom site that allows anyone to create and run their own video chat.

  • Are there any rules?

    Our Terms and Conditions contain a rules section which applies to all rooms, these can be found here:

    Rooms may also have their own rules, please check with the room owner for these.

  • How old do I have to be?

    You must be 18 or above to use the site, we have taken this decision because it is the most effective way to protect children.

  • What are the technical requirements?

    You will need a Windows, Mac, or Linux desktop or laptop, with a modern browser and the latest Adobe Flash Player.

    We recommend Firefox or Google Chrome. The latest Flash Player can be downloaded here.

  • Is there a mobile version?

    A mobile app has been started for Android, but there is no ETA. Any app that allows you to run Adobe Flash should work with, however, you will not be able to stream.

  • How can I contact the site?

    You can contact us at any time using our contact form:

  • How do I run a good room?

    Welcome people, say hello when someone comes in, it is a chat room so why not chat with them?

    Change the layout often, don't just leave it in 12 cam. Yes it causes people to get cammed down, but the people who are actually there will just cam back up, this will keep things fresh. Less open cam slots makes your room more welcoming.

    You don't need to mod everyone, less mods and co-owners is better than too many. Try out different people, rotate them around, find people that have a mutual respect for the users.

    Don't try to micromanage your mods, or nitpick over little things. Let people do their thing and have fun.

    Be friends with other room owners, don't get jealous when your regulars visit other rooms. You can't expect complete loyalty.

    Remember that most people will just go wherever their friends are.


  • How do I register?

    Go to the register page here:

  • Do I have to verify my e-mail address?

    Yes, you must provide a working e-mail address or you will not be able to join rooms.

    If you decide to change your e-mail address you will need to verify that too.

  • How do I change my e-mail, username, or password?

    Login and go to the manage account page here:

  • I can't access my account?

    If you have forgotten your password, visit the reset password page here:

    If you cannot remember the e-mail used when you registered the account, please ask for help here:

  • Can I delete my account?

    Yes, just login and go to your account section here:

  • What are Profiles?

    Every registered user has a profile, you can add a picture and write a bit about yourself.

    Your profile will be advertised when you enter a room, it will also show on the profiles list here:

    You can edit your profile page here:


  • How do I find new rooms?

    There is a list of rooms sorted by user count here:

  • What do the icons on rooms mean?
    This room does not allow guests, you must be logged in
    You need a password to join this room
    You have added this room to your favourites
    You are a moderator in this room
    You are the owner of this room
  • How can I create my own room?
    1. Login to your account and go to rooms.

    2. Type in the room name and room title and click create.

      The room name makes up the address of your room, and the room title is what will be displayed on the rooms page.

    3. You can now customise your room icon and background, and start inviting people to your room.

  • How can I delete my room?
    1. Login to your account and go to rooms.

    2. Click on manage by the room you wish to delete.

    3. Scroll to the bottom and press delete. The room is now locked and will be purged from the system after 30 days, unless you choose to undelete it. Once purged from the system your room credit will be refunded and you may create a new room.

  • Can I password my room?

    Yes, to set a password join your room with the owner account, then click the padlock icon above the user list.

    Users will now need to enter a password to join the room, if the users are already in the room they do not need to do anything until they rejoin. Admins and Owners are never prompted for the password.

  • Can I add co-owners to my room?

    Yes, a room supports unlimited co-owners, but having too many usually leads to unnecessary drama. The co-owner will have as much power over the room as you do, and usually just having another mod is better.

    If you would like to add co-owners and supers you need Premium:

  • Can I change the colour theme in my room?

    Yes, you can choose from a pre-made theme or design your own.

    If you would rather design your own you need Premium:

  • What are mods?

    Mods (or moderators) are users chosen by the room owner help moderate the chat.

    They can kick other users for up to one hour, or ban for 12 hours on 4 kick strikes.

    They can also change the cam layout, change the topic bar, and close cams. The room owner can change these permissions by clicking the padlock icon above the user list.

  • What is the difference between Mods, Supers, Owners?
    Room Management Permissions
    Mod Super Owner
    Change Topic Bar
    Change Cam Layout
    Stop Cams
    YouTube [Next]
    Set Room Password
    Change Mod Policy
    Allow Guests
    Disable YouTube Player
    Manage Bans
    Manage Mods
    Change name and description
    Change icon and background
    Delete Room
    Change Theme
    Customise Theme
    View Room Log
    Permissions over users
    Mod Super Owner Creator
    Kick SelfUser SelfUserMod SelfUserModSuper SelfUserModSuper
    Ban Self SelfUserMod SelfUserModSuper SelfUserModSuper
    Mod User User User
    Unmod Self SelfMod SelfModSuper ModSuperOwner
    Promote Mod ModSuper
    Demote Self SelfSuper SuperOwner

    this can be changed in your room settings Premium required (

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